Sunday, December 6, 2009

DEC 05 2009 - Social Suffering!

Our neighbor Bryce invited us to the local CrossFit affiliate (Get Built Chattanooga) for their running of "Fight Gone Bad" a notorious mainstay of the CrossFit community. It was great to work out in a group again. Shared suffering is great for bonding with one's fellows, and it's a little easier to find the motivation to push hard when other athletes are putting up inspirational efforts and there's a cheering section. (Thanks, Hope & Robbie!)

Fight Gone Bad:
Five stations:
. Rowing machine (count calories burned instead of reps)
. Sumo Deadlift High-Pull (75#)
. Push-Press (75#)
. Wall Ball (20# ball, 10 ft. target)
. Box Jumps (20" box)
Spend one minute at each station; do the maximum ammount of reps. After all five stations, rest exactly one minute. Repeat for a total of 3 rounds. (18 minutes)

Audrey did a great job at her first official FGB, scoring 225! And I put up a personal best of 266. Many thanks to Bryce for bringing us; we had a great time working out and meeting people.


  1. Hey scott. I just got back from the gym. I didn't really stick to the crossfit-football regimen as I am relatively new to the gym atmosphere. I was lucky enough to run into one of my friends from my shop who was able to help me with the squats as I have never done a squat without the assistance of a machine. I want to avoid using machines at all costs as i think they take a large part out of the actual purpose of the lift... anyway! we started out with 25 lbs on each end and i easily preformed 10 reps with a focus on my form/technique. Once I was comfortable we upped the dosage to one 45 pounder on each end to which i felt a little more strain yet still got the ten reps. I wanted to see how I would handle adding another 50 pounds (a 25 on each end) so we added that and sure enough I struggled with my last rep of 5 total. I think the final weight (if you're keeping track) was 185 pounds. As for the press.. I couldn't find a video on the crossfit website to determine exactly what kind of press I was supposed to do so i used an overhead press machine with 160 3X5 before my friend showed up to help me. After all that I felt like i should be doing more so I knocked out 3X10 on an AbWheel and 20 inclined situps before I called it quits. I'm kinda sore considering it has been a long time since i was last in the gym but all-in-all i think it was a good start.

  2. Good job! The most important part of a workout program is starting it! Second is squatting. Keep it up!
