Saturday, October 24, 2009

OCT 24 2009 - Sad Little Pullups

I was looking to do something quick and intense for my upper body today.

5 Rounds for time:
5 Pullups
5 Ring Dips
5 Ball Slams (20#)

Having just returned to Chattanooga, I'm taking a week to just play around and try some things I missed out on during my summer away. But in the back of my mind, I'll be mulling over a long-term goal to guide my exercise programming. Today's workout made my currrent weakness in pullups glaringly apparent. It took me 7m:18s to finish, about 2 minutes longer than I expected, with the pullups taking by far the longest. I've gone soft from using a fixed bar, and the swinging pullup bar here at home is making me work harder.

I'd like to be able to knock out 33 chest-to-bar kipping pullups on my 33rd birthday, which is only about five months away. So I'll be putting more work into strengthening my pullup. I guess that's goal #1.

1 comment:

  1. I feel better now. When I was at your place last April I did one pullup on your swinging bar. I was disappointed at how hard it was. Now I know why.
